Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Celebrating Death

What is true knowledge? What gives meaning to life? Great thinkers have argued that the most reliable knowledge is that which we have the most certainty of. Focusing on certainties also means less doubts.

For all the knowledge that we know about life, one thing is certain: WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE. Shying away from this fact is running away from reality. So then, how should death be approached? Most people dread and fear death because of the apparent comfort they find in this transient life. Some embrace it and see it as a means of escape from a seemingly absurd life. This shows that one's attitude regarding death is closely connected to one's attituded concerning life.

Despite all the different views concerning life, Death's true face should be recognised for what it truelly is. If life is an illusion then death is the reality that wakes us up. If life is temporary then death should be a doorway to eternity. If life is filled with complex and unanswered questions then death is what will bring the answers. If life is a test then death is a means to a reward. If life is worth living then death is worth living for. If life is pointless then death leads us to the point. If life seems unjust then death is the great leveller... If death is inevitable...then death should be celebrated...Death, then, gives meaning to life.

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